We Survived Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Today is  Hyperemesis Awareness Day  May 15th} I still find it to be mind boggling that most people have no idea what this disease is. For those who haven’t heard of  Hyperemesis it is an extreme form of pregnancy sickness that prevents adequate intake of food and fluids. It affects 1 to 3 percent of pregnant women. HG can lead to weight loss malnutrition and dehydration. In severe cases it can lead to miscarriage and it can also be fatal.After going through the experience I wanted so badly to find more women like me .

 While I spent time searching the internet for groups of women who survived HG I also found the stories of death , grief, PTSD and divorce associated with this disease. So many mothers have lost their lives , their friends and their children to HG. I will say that my diagnosis came as a complete shock because I already had three children and never heard of HG before.

I was throwing up 12times a day dehydrated and completely not myself . I was so sick I couldn’t do the basics with my children of getting up and getting ready for school. Without the support of my parents daughter Sophia niece Quala’jai and a few good friends. I don’t know how I would of made it .

For 8 months my children watched me deteriorate. I lost 32 pounds , the ambulance was called to my home twice on one occasion I can’t even remember why the EMT’s were there I just woke up with five men standing over me. By the time I reached 33 weeks I had lost my ability to sit up and walk which put even more of a strain on my parents.

My dad became my children’s full time parent taking them to school all doctors appointments and anything else they needed. He also became my full time caregiver while my mom was working. My mom took care of all my personal needs with my daughter and niece helping me take showers and get to the bathroom.The fact that I couldn’t do anything for myself  was the most devastating thing I’ve gone through. I was completely unable to hold anything down and had a picc line inserted in my arm for 12 hours of  feeding and fluids.

Death soon became a feeling that consumed me daily but I found myself becoming comfortable with the thought of just not being here. I began to express my feelings to my mom and cry with her daily. My pain soon became unbearable so I did what most people do I went to google for answers and found my way to a chiropractor in my area. After just two visits I regained  my ability to sit up and walk with a walker . My third visit would be the thing that I feel set me free. Two hours after my session at 35 weeks and six days my water broke.

I called my oldest child into our living room with me alone and told her that it was time and I may not come back home or may be coming back without the sister she was excited to have. She told me that if I didn’t come home that she would help take care of my other kids but God was in control and everything would be ok .The next few hours were focused completely on keeping me and my daughter safe .

My blood pressure skyrocketed my daughters heart rate continued to drop to an unsafe rate I began to panic . I was told that I had an infection and would have to be put on antibiotics in hopes that the baby would not be affected . All emergency teams were called for stand by and at 10am I delivered Ava. I immediately knew some thing was wrong they took her and didn’t give her back . My mom assured me that she was fine but the doctors soon let me know they were concerned about her lungs and she had tested positive for the  infection.

I spent the next few days at the hospital anticipating our release knowing that I was not prepared and had nothing at home for her but my family, friends and church came through for us . Ava is now 4 months old and though we are not out of the woods yet and we have a few medical issues to fix I can say that we made it .

I’ve worked hard to live a healthier life style and gain back the weight I lost. My body is still trying its best to get back to normal. I still have days where I’m nauseous or have extreme headaches and fatigue but nothing will ever compare to the days I was pregnant. I hope that this blog will peak peoples interest in this disease and it brings awareness. So many woman are suffering with no help no support and no understanding. I thank God for my support system.
