Self  Justification

My ex never fails to amaze me. After the last year of lies arguing and infidelity followed by apology letters for some reason I thought this man had learned his lesson. Now Im finding out after a recent Facebook message from a girls mother trying to investigate who he really is I was wrong . I am now 100,000 percent sure that he is a lost cause. I truly believe people have the ability to change and learn from their past but for this guy I don’t even think it’s remotely possible.  For you to be able to correct your mistakes and grow from them  you need to know right from wrong. 

I understand  that this concept I learned as a child was not taught to everyone. A lot of people were brought up on self justification of actions. Now, don’t get me wrong everybody has done something they shouldn’t have done. My issue is with people not being able to see or rationalize right and wrong.

For my ex this is a lifestyle and honestly I lived it with him for a long time. I kinda believe that’s why we were attracted to each other in the beginning of our relationship. I at that time was very much in the wrong with several of my decisions including my decision to let him in my life and have a relationship with him. I justified everything going on at that time to fit what I wanted when it was wrong plain and simple. No matter what way I put it I was wrong and deep down I knew it.

This situation always brings me back to my grandmother telling my cousins and I when we were younger “Find and marry someone brought up with the same morals and values you were and that will be your foundation for a successful marriage”. 20 years later I understand what she meant. If I was brought up on right and wrong a relationship with a man brought up on self justification would never work. 

For my ex he is still gravitating towards people who will justify his actions to fit what they want or live that lifestyle with him which for him is best. For a long time I didnt know what to call people like that but my pastor calls them yes men. He also says they are the most dangerous people to have around you if they will watch you do wrong and won’t correct you. I think my biggest mistake in all of it was thinking that if he would justify our wrongs together that he wouldn’t in fact justify doing wrong towards me. 

You know the old saying “The way you get them is how you lose them”. Well it seems to have been true for me and it’s looking to be true for the one who thinks that shes has him now but hey she deserves whatever comes her way. I’m just glad to have the opportunity to have that foundation with a man who will live his life righteously with wise counsel and self correction.

I’m also proud of myself for going back to my morals and values I was raised on. I’m happy I realized that having a man is not more important than me being the best person I can be in this life. I dont have to settle I can get an all around TEN! Who wouldn’t want the whole Godly package?! I know Im worth the best GOD has created.  I know what I want my reflection and mate to look like.

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